Friday, May 7, 2010

The Bird that Cannot Fly Ch. 21


Weeks had passed after that encounter, weeks of emotional instability. I hadn’t spoken one word with Lance and he didn’t attempt to speak to me. However, Samantha did get her deserved slap across her cheek, resulting in breaking two back teeth and a swollen cheek for a few days. She was like my stress ball, after that I felt much better, relieved.

Also internal things had progressed over the weeks. The shots had become more frequent, and my cancer had not appeared yet where it should be, pushing back the surprise surgery dates every week. Apparently I had entered a dangerous state, and usually people would be in hospital beds during my stage, but I didn’t feel a thing. Plus I had permission to still attend school.

Successfully finishing my history class, I walked through the beige colored walls of our awards hall. Plaques and medals gleamed in cheap florescent lighting as students headed to their next class, walking in an orderly two way road.

I walked behind a muscular football jock, but he was more like a joke in schoolwork. He had to be the most clueless person I’d seen. Even now, he lumbered his way down the hall, reading aloud our mythology reading and making a fool out of himself.

I silently laughed, because no matter what his reaction towards Aphrodite was, it would remind me of Collen’s reaction to Dr. Minks. I couldn’t hold in my laughter anymore, so I tightly covered my mouth as a kept trotting behind Mr. Football jock.

But just in that split second, my legs froze up in place. Not again. Awkwardly, I trudged into the girls’ bathroom and locked myself in a dark green stall.

For some reason, my hands shook. I wasn’t cold; in fact I was rather hot. Still, my fingers trembled as I fiddled around for the shot in my pit-less backpack, trying to uncap it with little success. When I finally got the shot uncapped and struck my thigh as usual, I felt a sudden surge of nausea. This wasn’t normal.

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