Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Bird that Cannot Fly Ch. 18


After school, Collen and Lance treated me to some ice cream. The three of us, hit by the early afternoon sun, sat around a small picnic table facing the small ice cream parlor. Nothing could beat such luxurious days.

Last doctor’s visit, I had been told to take a shot in my thigh every 3 hours, which to tell the truth, has been a pain in the butt since I’ve had to do so. As the ice cream in my hand disappeared in record time, I raced to the car because I “forgot something.”

Basking in the sun, the two handsome hawks, or one hawk and a kangaroo, sat talking and checking out booty-shorts and tanks as each one walked by their table. I rolled my eyes as I opened the back seat door of Collen’s wreck car.

As I slid in, I dug up one of my few shots from my purse and a mirror. Makeup? Check. I rubbed my hazel eyes as I check my face in the mirror, making sure nothing looked weird or messed up. As a peacock must always show himself to his mates, I must do the same.

I quickly finished my shot, rubbing the sore spot on my thigh as I limped outside and back to the picnic table.

Now something I didn’t see coming? A pack of school blonds rolling up in their BMW.

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