Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Bird that Cannot Fly Ch. 25


Now I’ve always thought Martin Luther King’s speech was inspirational, but Collen just won that peace prize in my life. I couldn’t help but smile, nothing could beat something my precious friend said.

“Lance, listen to me carefully. We all know about cancer, something that can’t change in a life. It’s a fact set in stone that Aussie has been dealing with.”

“What are you talking about Collen? Those fruits have been hitting you really hard.”

Lance seemed to be joking, almost in half belief. He never sounded like this before, so I intended to listen closely.

“Lance, wake up! She is in the hospital now, and I can feel that she’s in despair because she can’t do anything. She wants to run, she wants to cheer, and she wants to live the life everyone else can live. She’s been acting strong, like cancer isn’t anything to her, and it seemed like she didn’t care about it but she does. Her intention was to not tell anyone. She was going to fight it alone, and she was going to become normal again without help. She also told me… that you were special and she would do anything for you to not be sad. She hated that she fought against you, she hated that she blamed you, she hated she couldn’t do anything. All she wanted was for you to not cry for her and she was scared of what will come when she told you.”

“You must be kidding me, Collen. She didn’t even cry for me, she didn’t even SAY anything to me. I’m not going to fall for your insane joke.”

“Then talk to her yourself.”

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