Monday, May 3, 2010

The Bird that Cannot Fly Ch. 15


I saw Collen’s old wreck in the lot as I pulled in from Burlington Ave. He must want to know badly because he doesn’t eat anything served here.

Grossly looking at the great-smelling steak burgers on the menu, Collen sat in the light of the setting sun. Ordering a side-by-side milkshake with a dessert, I started to tell the story of my past week. I even included Lance’s little kiss moments.

After the story had been spilled, Collen looked up from his coke and stared.

“So you have cancer.” “Yes”

“And that shot was for emergency pain relieving.” “Yes”

“And you don’t want Lance to know this because you love him”

“Ye… wait. I don’t want him to know! But not because I LOVE him.”

“Now don’t lie to yourself. Express your true feelings Aussie, that’s me and my girlfriends’ motto.”

Readers, please note girlfriends’ is plural.

“Don’t want to hear about love from you player boy.”

“Okay, I get it. But if you and him are practically together, I think he has a right in knowing. It’s a life changing thing, cancer.”

I had given it lots of thought. Lance is my best friend and sort of boyfriend, and he does have a right in knowing. But there was something bigger.

“I don’t want to see him or think of him being sad and upset.”

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