Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Bird that Cannot Fly ch. 11


I was still able to walk around normally and run for a short amount of time. I would use up a lot of energy, but it would be worth it.

After the day of my hospital visit and my ‘Lance’ encounter, I had another normal day of school. And of course, that flew by with a snap of a finger. Yet I couldn’t look Lance straight in the eyes this morning. Something would bounce in my chest and pivot my head in another direction. The day progressed and Lance seemed to catch the drift. He took me by surprise in the lunch line.



I jumped a little in place, and swiftly turned back to see who had scared the crap out of me.

“No need to be scared missy, it’s just your old pal.”

“Uh-huh, well thanks ‘old pal’ for scaring me.”

“Well you looked a little down today, or you’re just ignoring me”

I asked for mashed potatoes and carrots at the lunch counter and received my food. Lance kept talking behind me.

“Really though, why are you ignoring me?”

“I’m not ignoring you.”

My face had heated up as I scooted a small plate of fudge brownie onto my tray.

“Yes, you are. And sweet, I want some.”

Lance reached over my shoulder and grabbed a plate for himself. But before he could retract his arm to where it should be, he took his other arm and pulled my stomach closer to himself. Nestling his face in my hair, he kissed me gently so that no one around us would know what he was doing.

The walk to our usual lunch table was pure silence. Lance carried himself with little grace next to me, a shocking grin plastered to his face, as I practically ran to catch up with his long strides.

“What took you guys so long?”

Collen McIntyre, Lance’s best friend, waited for us at the table. His tray was filled with fruit and milk and a tall glass of apple juice. As he was looking our way, other people at our table stole bits of grapes, and I could not stop laughing as Collen’s innocent kangaroo face got mad.

“Collen, we aren’t freaking vegetarians like you are. We line up in the hot lunch line.”

“Lance, for your information I’m not a vegetarian, my diet is just based on natural wholesome fruits. And you didn’t even get the hot lunch dude.”

“Shut up.”

We scooted into hard plastic chairs and discussed school stuff. I even succeeded in popping in an Advil without being noticed! It’s unfortunate that I did notice the girls practically drooling as they walked past our table. Well, no one could blame them. Lance and Collen were somewhat popular and they could be found in sentences with ‘hot’ or ‘sexy.’ As for me, I was Austricia the cheerleader who got to sit with these guys.

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