Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Bird that Cannot Fly Ch. 27



Lance angrily closed the phone and tossed it to me. I barely caught it, and looked all around searching for a possible answer in life. Life is something unexpected, and whoever made lemonade when life tossed lemons, must have been a very decisive person.

“Lance, calm down”

Those were the only words I could find, feeling my hand shake as I gripped the innocent phone. Aussie would keep talking; she would try to persuade Lance that it was an unchangeable fact. She would do everything to stop him from crying. Suddenly it hit me… She was in danger.

“Lance, look at me.”

Grabbing Lance’s broad shoulders, I looked him square in the eyes as I took deep breaths. The school bell rung with a shrill, but everything seemed to be in slow motion around the two of us.

“Collen, what are you doing?”

“I know where she is. She wouldn’t have hung up on you, she’s in trouble.”

I couldn’t allow him to say another word; I yanked his wrist towards the nearest exit. All we could do is find out and at least support her.

We were running, running for someone’s life.

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